The Magic of the Sample Training Needs Assessment

The Magic of the Sample Training Needs Assessment

Many in corporate training and development are obsessed, and rightly so, with surveys to identify the skill gaps and learning needs that matter most.

But sometimes learning professionals mistakenly make it too difficult for themselves and their stakeholders by trying to convince “the powers that be” that a broad training needs assessment is always required to create an effective learning and development plan.

Yet this is not necessarily so.

Remember the magic of the sample survey. Derived from the Central Limit Theorem, we once learned that if you sample from a population using a large enough sample size and apply random sampling your results will be normally distributed. This is a cornerstone of statistics and allows us to draw broad conclusions from surveying a small random sample.

While the assessment phase is an integral part of the change process, think of what you can now learn about where skills gaps exist, how learning programs are received and applied, what follow-on programs are most effective in skills adoption, etc.

Statistically, you do not need to survey the entire target population…only a sample that will guide you in the important decisions and distinctions you need to make.

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